Positive Youth Project is a pilot project providing a youth-friendly service to young people under the age of 25 growing up with HIV in Ireland. We want to create a space that offers support, compassion, education and peer connection.
If you or someone you are working with would like to receive support from Positive Youth Project, please download and fill out our
We recognise that adolescent years and the early years of adulthood can be an exciting yet challenging stage of anyone’s life, and it can be hard to navigate when you are also living with the impact of trauma and adversity. It’s important to understand HIV affects all aspects of a young person’s life. They often face internal and external stigma, discrimination and isolation. HIV may be only one factor in many young people’s issues, including insufficient food and housing, substance misuse, racism, issues regarding sexuality, and an increased prevalence of mental health issues.
Aishling McCormack, the coordinator of Positive Youth Project, has years of experience volunteering and working with Chiva since 2014. This, along with her experience with ACET’s adult care work, created an excellent opportunity for ACET Ireland and Chiva to come together and form a project that caters to the needs of young people living with HIV in Ireland.
Positive Youth Project’s Values:
• Respect and confidentiality
• Forming relationships of mutuality and trust
• Being open and inclusive
• Empowering people
A young person living with HIV faces challenges such as self-limiting beliefs due to their HIV status and difficulties navigating friendships and other relationships; some face family bereavements due to an HIV-related illness, and others may experience growing up outside of the family unit and home.

For more information, contact Aishling McCormack:
aishling@acet.ie or 083 3724025.
Positive Youth Project Aims
Positive Youth Project Aims:
- to create a space for holistic support and care for young people with HIV
- to reduce isolation through peer networking
- to empower young people by improving HIV knowledge, self-esteem, health and well-being through education workshops and health promotion projects
- to support each young person’s transition from paediatric care to an adult clinic setting
We offer supports such as advice to young people and their families, home visits, community visits, one-to-one work, organising occasional peer meet-up events via Zoom and in-person, and clinic appointment accompaniment during the transition period to adult clinic care.
Positive Youth Project follows Children First Guidance and Legislation blended with the best practices of Chiva UK and ACET Ireland. It aims to build relationships with young people and their parents/guardians and to empower young people by creating person-centred goals.