“You loved me without wanting to fix me and that’s what saved my life”
“People who felt judged and excluded have found in ACET workers love and acceptance”
“ACET’s approach to our community was nothing short of genius: kind hearted, understanding, vigorous and very practical”
“You loved me without wanting to fix me and that’s what saved my life”
“People who felt judged and excluded have found in ACET workers love and acceptance”
“ACET’s approach to our community was nothing short of genius: kind hearted, understanding, vigorous and very practical”
“Amazing insights! This was really great training that will make a big difference.”
Improving the lives of those living with and affected by HIV in lreland and playing our part in reducing the number of new cases of HIV in Ireland
Our calling brings us to the margins of Irish societybreaking down barriers of fear to deliver projects that seek to change individuals, families and communities for the better. We believe that that such change can only come about through relationships deeply rooted in mutuality and equality.

ACET’s support of people living with and affected by HIV has been the bedrock of our work for over 30 years. We specialise in working with those impacted by addiction in Dublin and provide personal support, counselling, respite and a memorial Quilt Group. However it is the way we work that has made this project so distinctive. Rather than offer our service from a set building or venue, we work with our clients in their spaces. A kitchen table, a community café, a local park or a hospital clinic might be among the places where we can be found. This offers a very different way to build trust, develop care plans and apply the giftings and skills of our highly-qualified staff and volunteers.
If you or someone you are working with would like to receive support from ACET, please download and fill out our
Migrant Plus
Migrant Plus works with communities of migrant background in Ireland to improve integration leading to better health outcomes. Just like our care work, we do not offer a building to which those we support can come. Rather we go to the settings of migrant life in Ireland, particularly faith communities. We offer information on health, including translated resources. But these are merely a tool rather than an end in themselves. It is through dialogue, patience, presence and cultural-code translation that we see empowerment. Rapid HIV testing and self-testing are among the resources we offer as we play our part in ending HIV. Our work is proactively anti-racist as we challenge the personal, institutional, systemic and structural realities of racism in Ireland.

Find out more about this project at migrantplus.ie
If you would like to join us in seeing better health outcome for communities of migrant background then please get in touch
Positive Youth Project

Positive Youth Project is a pilot project providing a youth-friendly service to young people under the age of 25 growing up with HIV in Ireland. We want to create a space that offers support, compassion, education and peer connection.
If you or someone you are working with would like to receive support from Positive Youth Project, please download and fill out our
We Partner
As well as the activities of our Core Staff Team and volunteers, ACET operates a range of partnerships and collaborations across Dublin with statutory and community bodies which further our vision and mission:

Matilda Project
Our partnership in rural Zimbabwe is our longest running as our local work is complimented by a global setting. We fundraise and provide support at the intersections of food poverty and HIV. Food packs and other supports, including to child-headed families, as well as income generating projects and school fees, run alongside our regular contact from Dublin.

Since the beginning of the war in early 2022, many tens of thousands of Ukrainians have sought refuge in Ireland. ACET and Cairde both have a long history of working with communities fleeing conflict and our HSE-funded partnership sees us provide community development supports so as to improve health inclusion in the Dublin- North City area where thousands of Ukrainians are living.

HIV Ireland
With incredible medical advances, ending HIV means being creative and innovative as we look to make rapid testing for the virus available to all. “Equal” is the name of our new mobile HIV testing van. We are working with HIV Ireland to provide this resource to some of the communities of migrant background we work with.

Dublin City Interfaith Forum
In Dublin’s North East Inner City there are many places of worship that are the key cradle-to-grave gathering place for communities of migrant background. Our partnership with Dublin City Interfaith Forum sees us provide capacity building support and advice, as well as interfaith and local health community connections, to some of these faith communities.
Drug Recovery
Over the past 10 years we have partnered with 3 charities working in the area of drug recovery, providing administrative and practical support. Each of these partnerships were completed successfully and the HSE continues to fund the important work of Suaimhneas (Depaul), Recovery Academy Ireland and SMART Recovery Ireland.

Talbot Centre
The Talbot Centre is the longest established drug prevention and education service for children and their families in Ireland. Operating in the North Inner City of Dublin, this HSE initiative offers support, family therapy, recreational activities and counselling. ACET administers the Education Worker post which builds the capacity of drug education in a variety of local settings.